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Reasons Why Solo Travel Is Good For Mothers

So often we find ourselves completely caught up with life and everyday motherhood tasks that we don’t stop to connect with inner ourselves. One great way of reconnecting with yourself and tapping into that much needed ME time is traveling solo. If you are on the verge of wanting to take a much-needed selfie trip but can’t really find the motivation to actually book the trip these 10 reasons may just be the deciding factors that you need.

  • A break from everything and everyone- We all know that people can be outright draining, not that they mean to be but it is simply a fact they can be and so can jobs, friends and just about anything else. Breaks are always needed just relax and revitalize. If your feeling bad about traveling without the kids just think about how much more energy you will have once you've refreshed your mind and ora. The kids will certainly be on the receiving end of those good vibes once you have returned.

  • The space to try new things with other’s opinions- Often when we go on trips with family and friends everyone has an opinion on where you should go and what you should do. Traveling solo takes away those opinions and leaves room for the one that really counts, YOURS!!!

  • Replenishing the mental space that we usually reserve for others. Sometimes we give so much of ourselves away, be it for a relationship, work, projects or friends that we leave very little mental space for ourselves and traveling alone can be the thing that replenishes that space and re-energizes the mind.

  • Make your own schedule-There is no need to feel that you need to get certain things done on certain days to maximize the trip or to entertain others when you are making your own schedule.

  • Empowerment- It’s empowering to really take hold of controlling what destination you would like to visit and actually making it happen.

  • Clarity- When you take a trip alone you really open that space to let your thoughts wonder on different topics. Maybe you have mulled over a certain decision and have put off the time to really dive into that subject.

  • Mingle with the locals- Go out mingle with people that you would never have a chance to speak to when traveling with a group. Often when traveling with friends or family we can become so consumed with spending quality time with them that we could be missing out on a real opportunity to speak to locals about the culture first hand.

  • Break out of your comfort zone- If traveling alone is on your bucket list now is the best time to do it. There will always reasons why you should not go (money, family, job, relationships etc.). Those things do not change with time and there will never be the perfect time to go so just say to hell with it and do it already!

Go out and take some time to explore by yourself. Even if you can't go on a vacation just take a day to travel solo. Thanks us later!

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